That depends on a few factors such as age and health. Medicare Advantage offers different coverages for different needs. Read for more info on when and what Medicare Advantage coverage is available to you.
Original Medicare has two components, Part A and Part B.
As detailed on the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid website, Medicare Part A (Hospital Insurance) and Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance) are available to the individuals below that are age 65 or older, disabled, and or with End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD).
Medicare Part A (Hospital Insurance)
Most people get Part A for free, but some must pay a premium for this coverage. That will be those individuals making a certain amount of money. Usually, the quarters must equate to ten years of work. To be eligible for premium-free Part A, an individual must be entitled to receive Medicare based on their own earnings or those of a spouse, parent, or child. To receive premium-free Part A, the worker must have a specified number of quarters of coverage (QCs) and file an application for Social Security or Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) benefits. The exact number of QCs required is dependent on whether the person is filing for Part A based on age, disability, or End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD). QCs are earned through payment of payroll taxes under the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) during the person's working years.
For more information on eligibility and applying for Medicare Part A, visit or contact us.
Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance)
Part B's eligibility rules depend on whether a person is eligible for premium-free Part A or whether the individual must pay a premium for Part A coverage. Individuals eligible for premium-free Part A are also eligible for enrolling in Part B once they are entitled to Part A. Enrollment in Part B can only happen at certain times. As stated on on Individuals who must pay a premium for Part A must meet the following requirements to enroll in Part B:
Be age 65 or older.
Be a U.S. resident.
Be either a U.S. citizen or be an alien who has been lawfully admitted for permanent residence and has been residing in the United States for five straight years before the month of applying for Medicare.
Part B is not free. It is a voluntary program that requires the payment of a monthly premium for all months of coverage. Individuals already receiving Social Security or RRB benefits at least four months before being eligible for Medicare and residing in the United States (except Puerto Rico residents) are automatically enrolled in both premium-free Part A and Part B. People who are automatically enrolled have the choice of whether they want to keep or refuse Part B coverage. People living in Puerto Rico who are eligible for automatic enrollment are only enrolled in premium-free Part A; they must enroll in Part B to get this coverage.
All eligible individuals are not automatically enrolled. For more information on eligibility and applying for Medicare Part B, speak with one of our Medicare Advantage specialist or email us at